Level Up Your Life The Way YOU Deserve

Do these questions apply to you?

  • Are you tired of the same boring routine everyday?
  • Do you always put yourself last?
  • Do you struggle with applying makeup?
  • Do you ever just want that extra boost of confidence?
  • Do you tend to have negative thoughts often?
  • Do you struggle setting standards for yourself in the dating world?
  • Do you want to change your bad eating habits?
  • Do you want to implement a self-care routine into your life?
  • Do you want to enter into the next phase of your life, confidently putting yourself first?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are in the right place! Build the life that you deserve. Sometimes in life, we just need a sign that we are ready to enter into the next phase into our lives. Having that self-awakening moment drives us to want better for ourselves and striving to do anything to achieve it. We are all on this journey together and it only gets better from here!

Meet Your Instructor: Ni'Asia Miller

Hey, my name is Ni'Asia Miller! For years I have struggled with confidence issues, body image, and self-perception. Through trial and error, it took awhile for me to eventually find myself, embracing my confidence, and learning how to love myself. Everyone has beauty from within, it just takes the right tools to embrace it.

I have designed this 4 week course for those who have the same issues that I once struggled with. Often times we put others before ourselves and think that we do not deserve nice things; we say "maybe next time" when it comes to self-care and we often forget how to say no to others in order to protect our own mental health. We also are overworked, exhausted, and not in the best mental stage of life right now, but with time, things can always change.

When I learned to start putting myself first, setting boundaries, setting standards for myself, and simply enjoying life, that's when things began to transform for me. I also want that transformation to happen to you as well. This course was designed to help guide you in many different aspects of learning how to level up your life just like how I had to learn.

I will be holding your hand throughout the entire process to demonstrate the exact blueprint that I used to transform my life and allow good changes to happen to me. If this sounds like a transformation that you feel like you want in your life, then let's begin your level up journey!

Leveling Up Your Confidence

Building up confidence leads to a stronger individual who isn't afraid of the negative things others may say. Carrying yourself in a certain manner that displays the level of confidence you have within yourself.

Leveling Up Your Mindset

Visualize creating a more positive atmosphere for yourself that leads to a change in your mindset. Becoming more open to experiencing new things and simply doing things in your life differently.

Leveling Up Your Daily Routine

Changing up your daily routine may seem impossible, but it is necessary to step out of the same old habits. Learning how to add self-care into your routine or simply improving your eating habits can go a long way in creating change.

Sneak Peek of Course Curriculum!

  Welcome to The Level Up Blueprint
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1: Identifying Yourself
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: Leveling Up Your Mindset
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3: Leveling Up Your Confidence
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4: Leveling Up Your Daily Routine
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

What You Will Be Receiving:

Is This The Right Course For Me?

Absolutely! If you are ready to embark on this new level up journey, you've found the right place! Once enrolled, you'll start your journey along with other like-minded individuals. In order to start your transformation, you have to start from somewhere.

We will go over different ways on how to build up your confidence and self-esteem, learning motivating affirmations and mantras, building communication skills, setting standards when dating, learning how to apply your makeup like a pro, changing bad eating habits, and so much more! We will even have live video calls discussing each topic thoroughly where you can also ask questions.

When enrolled, you will gain access to our exclusive Facebook group where we will also have different posts and discussions on the topics there as well. Bonuses are also included in the course and will be available towards the end of the class.

Mission Statement:

Since the beginning, I have always aimed to help individuals create undeniable confidence within themselves by teaching them the step-by-step blueprint of establishing boundaries, transforming their social circle, improving self-talk, properly applying makeup to embrace your features, and building new expectations while breaking bad habits in hopes of taking their lives to the next level. Helping you to become a better version of yourself has always been my mission.


Is this course self-paced?

Nope! That's the beauty of this course. It is live instruction! Pre-recorded videos for replay purposes will be provided as well.

How long will we have access to the course?

How does lifetime access sound? No need to worry about the course expiring!

Where can we ask questions?

When you gain access to the course, you will also have access to the exclusive Facebook group!

Will we go live?

Yes! We will go live once to twice a week to discuss the modules and any questions you may have.

What if I want a refund?

Unfortunately, this is a knowledge-based course and knowledge along with education is irreversible.


This course does NOT guarantee results and is not intended to be replaced for medical attention. This course was designed for uplifting others using personal experiences. If you need serious medical help, please seek a professional. If you feel like this course may not be for you, PLEASE DO NOT attend this course.